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Sam Humphrey, Hernández R. 2023. Impact of elevated CO2 and two daily light integrals on strawberry stock plant and strawberry tip production. Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use – Annual Meeting, Davis CA. USA. (100)
Hernández R, Moosavi-Nezhad M. 2023. Increasing photoperiod decreases tip yield of Strawberry Stock plants (long day, ‘Monterey’) Grow in a Controlled Environment. 2nd Annual PIP-CAP meeting. 17-18 October 2023. Raleigh NC. (50)
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Shi, X., Hernández, R. and Hoffmann, M. 2021. Timing of stolon removal alters daughter plant production and quality in the ever-bearing strawberry ‘Albion’. HortScience DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI15624-20 (Paper).
Shi, X., Hernández, R. and Hoffmann, M. 2021. Impact of Nitrate and Ammonium Ratios on Flowering and Asexual Reproduction in the Everbearing Strawberry Cultivar Fragaria ×ananassa Albion. Horticulturae, 7(12), 571; DOI: 10.3390/horticulturae7120571 (Paper).
Xu, X. and Hernández, R. 2020. The Effect of Light Intensity on Vegetative Propagation Efficacy, Growth, and Morphology of “Albion” Strawberry Plants in a Precision Indoor Propagation System.Applied Sciences 10(3). 1044. DOI: 10.3390/app10031044 (Paper)