
Hover over any of the team members to view a full bio. . .

Mark Hoffmann

Small Fruits Extension Specialist. Director. Daughter Plant Physiology, Extension, Lead Translational Team

Ricardo Hernandez

Ricardo Hernandez

Assoc. Professor; Co-Director; Lead Mother Plant Physiology

Gina Fernandez

Gina Fernandez

Dist. Professor; Co-Director; Translational Team

Cheiri Kubota

Cheiri Kubota

Professor; Lead Daughter Plant Physiology

Zhongchi Liu

Zhongchi Liu

Professor; Genetics Team

Peter Nitzsche

Rutgers Extension Dep. Head; Lead, Extension Team

Heidi Schweizer

Heidi Schweizer

Assist. Professor; Lead Economics Team

Jennifer Boldt

Jennifer Boldt

Research Horticulturist; Mother Plant Physiology

Edward Durner

Associate Professor; Daughter Plant Physiology

Celina Gómez

Celina Gómez

Assistant Professor; Daughter Plant Physiology

Brian Jackson

Brian Jackson

Professor; Mother Plant Physiology

Shinsuke Agehara

Shinsuke Agehara

Assistant Professor; Translational Team

Oleg Daugovish

Oleg Daugovish

Strawberry and Vegetable Crop Advisor Ventura Co.; Extension and Translational Team

Gerald Holmes

Gerald Holmes

CalPoly Strawberry Center Director; Translational Team

Courtney Weber

Courtney Weber

Associate Professor; Translational Team

Caren Chang

University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Genetics Team Leader

Daniel Tregeagle

Dr. Tregeagle is an assistant professor and extension specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. His work is focused on the economics of specialty crops and the economics of agricultural policy more generally. Applications have included analyzing agro-environmental policy, market analysis, minimizing costs of processing supply chains, and optimizing orchard replacement.

Current work includes estimating the value of improved disease resistance for cucurbit crops, studying specialty crop supply elasticities, and preparing specialty crop budgets.

Daniel Tregeagle

Assistant Professor and Extension Ag Econ Specialist; Economics Team

Jayesh Samtani

Jayesh Samtani

Small Fruit Extension Specialist; Extension Team