2023 Annual Meeting

October 17-18, 2023

The State View Hotel

2451 Alumni Drive

Raleigh, NC 27606

Event Brochure Link

Message from Dr. Hoffmann

Dear friends, collaborators and partners,

One of my favorite contemporary artists once said “To get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you never did”. We followed this advice. The vision this group had back in 2016-17 wasn’t buried in thoughts. It was put into reality, thanks to every single one of you. Our work, even if sometimes seemingly small, contributes to a larger good that unites our interests: Cleaner, more efficient, soilless production of strawberry plants. In the two days of our annual meeting in Raleigh, we will learn and discuss research from the successful sequencing of 12 strawberry cultivars over substrate research and propagation rates to field trials and economic aspects. I have never been more excited to share our progress with you and I am looking very forward to seeing you all at our annual conference in Raleigh, NC.

Collaboration at Work

Virtual Information

Topic: PIP-CAP 2nd Annual Conference

Time: Oct 17, 2023 08:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 990 0903 2611

Passcode: 619113


Day 1: October 17, 2023

8:00-8:45Breakfast/welcomeBreakfast will be catered by State View Hotel
8:45-9:00General Overview of ProjectMark Hoffmann
9:00-9:15Title of Presentation: Supply Chain Impact Model (Economics Group)Daniel Tregeagle
9:15-9:30Title of Presentation: Flowering Responses to Mono/Poly Chromatic Supplemental LED LightingEd Durner 
9:30-9:45Title of Presentation: How photoperiod affect strawberry daughter-to-mother plant ratioDr. Hernandez Lab: Moein Moosavi
9:45-10:00Title of Presentation: Effects of light intensity and CO2 enrichment on daughter plant production of ‘Monterey’ and ‘Fronteras’Dr. Hernandez Lab: Sam Humphrey
10:00-10:15Title of Presentation: Impacts of nitrate to ammonium ratio on strawberry runner productionDr. Boldt’s Lab: Erin Yafuso
10:15-10:30Title of Presentation:  Effect of artificial chilling to enhance vegetative growth and runnering in ‘Albion’ and ‘Fronteras’ strawberry cultivars.The Ohio State: Pooja Tripathi
10:30-10:45Title of Presentation: Understanding Flowering and Fruiting Habits of Various Cultivars Through the Influence of Daughter Plant Size and Supplemental ChillingDr. Hoffmann’s Lab: Michael Palmer
10:45-11:00Title of Presentation: Influence of Soilless Substrate Composition, Stratification, and Container Geometry on Mother Plant Productivity of Strawberry Dr. Jackson Lab: Brandan Shur
11:00-11:15Title of Presentation: Effect of Planting Date on Strawberry YieldCalPoly: Samantha Simard
11:15-11:30Title of Presentation: Field Evaluation of Controlled Environment (CE) Produced Strawberry PropagulesCornell University – Dr. Weber’s Lab:Ava Forystek
11:30-11:45Title of Presentation: Identification of DNA variants among twelve strawberry cultivarsUMD: Xi Luo
11:45-12:00Title of Presentation: “The Welfare Effects of Controlled Environment Propagation in the Strawberry Nursery Industry”.NCSU: Jung Hoon Han
12:00-1:00LunchLunch will be catered by State View Hotel
1:00-4:00Tour Indoor Nursery and ExperimentsTransportation provided- Bus will be at the front of the hotel
6:30DinnerHosted by Dr. Fernandez 
6900 Mere View Ct.
Raleigh, NC

Day 2: October 18, 2023

8:30-9:00BreakfastCatered by State View
9:00-10:00Business Meeting for all PIs and Co-PIs (Agenda will be shared via email)
10:00-11:00Lightning Talks and Discussion of Summer Internships

Internship with Plenty
Xi Lou
Michael Palmer
Moein Moosavi
Sam Humphrey

Internship with Plant Science
Ava Forystek

Internship with Driscolls
Samantha Simard
11:00-12:00Micropropagation UnitTransportation will be provided
12:00LunchTransportation will be provided
Downtown Raleigh, NC (On your own)
1:30-4:30Natural Science MuseumOptional