As the academic year draws to a close, the spotlight turns to the members of the SCRI PIP-CAP Team. These soon-to-be graduates are on the brink of exciting new chapters in their professional journeys. This article delves into the next steps these talented individuals will be taking after graduation.

Upon graduating with my master’s, I will remain at the Cal Poly Strawberry Center in my research associate role. I couldn’t be more thrilled to stay at the Center and in San Luis Obispo, CA. In this position, I conduct both field research and molecular work in our lab. The SCRI PIP-CAP program allowed me to conduct my graduate thesis work and provided me with countless opportunities to network and present my research. Additionally, the program funded a week internship at Driscoll’s that opened my eyes to private industry opportunities.

Being part of this strawberry grant, I’ve learned so much about plant physiology, data science, and what it takes to be a part of a large collaborative research project. This fall I will begin my PhD at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, where I will use my knowledge of plant physiology to improve the growth and quality of culinary herbs. I’m excited to continue doing physiology research, and even more excited about incorporating mathematics and modeling into my future work. I’m also looking forward to mentoring during my PhD, because of the amazing mentorship I’ve received from this team in the past few years. I feel well prepared for this PhD, thanks to everyone on this grant who has shared their knowledge with me, or given feedback on my work, or offered me guidance. I’m so lucky to know you all, and to have been a part of this amazing team.

I am planning to move back to Korea and start a research fellow position at Korea Rural Economic Institute. The last 3 years as a member of the PIP-CAP research team was a wonderful experience for me. I learned a lot about strawberry supply chain and budget analysis, which will be a good foundation for my future research. Additionally, being able to collaborate with researchers in various fields was a great experience for me.
I would like to thank Dr. Tregeagle, Dr. Schweizer, and other researchers for giving me the opportunity to work together.

Brandan will go on to complete a PhD at Virginia Tech.

Ava has graduated.